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These are you're main commands:

  1.  To request a Tp: /tpa playername

  2. To accept the Tp: /tpaccept

  3. To deny the To: /tpdeny

  4. To your previous location/death point you do: /back

  5. To see list of warps: /warp

  6. To get to spawn /spawn

  7. For more help: /help

These are the Home Commands:

  1. To set a home: /sethome name

  2. To list Homes: /home

  3. To go home: /home name

These are the Faction Commands:

  1.  To create a faction: /f create name

  2. To join a faction: /f join name

  3. To leave a faction: /f leave name

  4. To go to faction home: /f home

  5. To switch chat to or from faction chat: /f c

  6. To set faction home: /f sethome

  7. To invite a player to faction: /f invite playername

  8. For more faction help: /f h or /f help

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